Zoom In Students Book level 6 – H. Q Mitchell


Zoom In Students Book level 6 - H. Q Mitchell

Zoom In is an innovative primary english course for children. It aims to guide children through their first steps in english in a delightfully imaginative learning enviroment.

Course Features:

Well organised syllabus
An introductory unit
Nine four-page units divided into two lessons
Vocabulary explained through illustrations
Listening and communication activities
Stimulating material including stories, songs, games, factual texts, cross-curricular activities and magazine pages
Three revisions units
Grammar and pronunciations review every three units
Special sections on cross-cultural information leading to projects

Autor: H.Q. Mitchell
ISBN: 9789603793083
Editura: MM Publications
Anul publicării: 2003
Pagini: 64
Categoria: Manuale scolare

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