Here is a book no Christmas stocking should be without, a book that positively distils the spirit of the season. The title poem, familiar to children and adults the world over, introduces a collection of stories and verse with a Christmas theme, guaranteed to engage and amuse readers young and old. Likely to provoke laughter and sometimes to bring a sentimental tear to the driest eye, this festive treasure trove is ideal for reading aloud or curling up with in a comfy corner. Scrooge himself would have found it difficult to resist distributing copies on Christmas morning!
Iata o carte care nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din niciun cadou de Craciun, o carte care evoca pozitiv spiritul acestui sezon.
Colectia de poezii si povestiri ii va fascina si distra atat pe cei mici, cat si pe cei mari.
Autor: Rosemary Gray
ISBN: 9781840226515
Editura: Wordsworth Editions
Anul publicării: 2010
Pagini: 320
Categoria: Carti pentru copii