The Taste of Blue Light – Lydia Ruffles


The Taste of Blue Light - Lydia Ruffles

I LOVED IT’ LOUISE O’NEILLAn incandescent, soul-searching story about a broken young woman’s search for a truth buried so deep it threatens to consume her, body and mind. These are the things Lux knows: She is an artist. She is lucky. She is broken. These are the things she doesn’t know: What happened over the summer. Why she ended up in hospital. Why her memories are etched in red.

‘The nightmares tend to linger long after your screams have woken you up…’Desperate to uncover the truth, Lux’s time is running out. If she cannot piece together the events of the summer and regain control of her fractured mind, she will be taken away from everything and everyone she holds dear. If her dreams don’t swallow her first.’It’s very brave, and fierce, and electric’ SARA BARNARD

Autor: Lydia Ruffles
ISBN: 9781444936766
Editura: Hachette Book Group
Anul publicării: 2018
Pagini: 352
Categoria: Carte straina

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