The Nature of Life: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives from Philosophy and Science – Mark A. Bedau, Carol E. Cleland


The Nature of Life: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives from Philosophy and Science - Mark A. Bedau, Carol E. Cleland

Bringing together the latest scientific advances and some of the most enduring subtle philosophical puzzles and problems, this book collects original historical and contemporary sources to explore the wide range of issues surrounding the nature of life. Selections ranging from Aristotle and Descartes to Sagan and Dawkins are organised around four broad themes covering classical discussions of life, the origins and extent of natural life, contemporary artificial life creations and the definition and meaning of ‘life’ in its most general form. Each section is preceded by an extensive introduction connecting the various ideas discussed in individual chapters and providing helpful background material for understanding them. With its interdisciplinary perspective, this fascinating collection is essential reading for scientists and philosophers interested in astrobiology, synthetic biology and the philosophy of life.

Autor: Mark A. Bedau, Carol E. Cleland
ISBN: 9781108722063
Editura: Cambridge University Press
Anul publicării: 2018
Pagini: 440
Categoria: Carte straina

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