The Last True Poets Of The Sea – Julia Drake


The Last True Poets Of The Sea - Julia Drake

Wrecks seem to run in the Larkin family: Tall, funny, musical Violet can’t stop partying with the wrong people, and her brilliant, sensitive younger brother Sam attempts to take his own life. Shipped back to their family’s hometown while Sam is in treatment, Violet is haunted by her family’s missing piece – the lost shipwreck she and Sam dreamed of discovering when they were children. There she discovers something new about herself when she meets fellow wreck hunter Liv, and learns what it takes to swim up from disaster. Epic, funny, and sweepingly romantic, The Last True Poets of the Sea is an astonishing debut.

Autor: Julia Drake
ISBN: 9781368048088
Editura: Hachette Book Group
Anul publicării: 2019
Pagini: 408
Categoria: Carte straina

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