Great Fire of London Activity Book – Sally Jane Morgan


Great Fire of London Activity Book - Sally Jane Morgan

Following on from the striking retelling of The Great Fire of London (9780750298209) by Emma Adams and James Weston Lewis, this activity book takes the story further with fiery facts, magnificent mazes and marvellous makes. Children can bake bread, find the fire engines, navigate the streets of London, make a water bucket out of paper, redesign the city, learn fire safety and much more in this packed book. Using favourite artwork from the original, and featuring beautiful brand-new illustrations, this book transports children back in time to learn what London life was like 350 years ago, and of the details surrounding the Great Fire.
The perfect activity book to teach KS1 children about the curriculum topic, this book brings history to life with illuminating illustations, amazing activities and incredible information.

Autor: Sally Jane Morgan
ISBN: 9781526301628
Editura: Hachette Book Group
Anul publicării: 2016
Pagini: 48
Categoria: Carte straina

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