FCE Use of English 2, Students Book For Cambridge First FCE Michigan ECCE – Virginia Evans


FCE Use of English 2, Students Book For Cambridge First FCE Michigan ECCE - Virginia Evans

FCE Use of English 2 – Revised is intended for students preparing for this examination as well as other examinations at the same level of difficulty.

Key Features
• Condensed presentation of grammar structures followed by exercises on each structure
• Folders consisting of phrasal verbs, prepositions, idioms,"key" word transformations, collocations and words often confused
• Appendices on tenses, spelling rules and pronunciation, phrasal verbs, prepositions, and word formation
The Teacher’s Book for the Student’s Book contains the answers overprinted on the relevant pages of the Student’s Book as well as optional tests.

Autor: Virginia Evans
ISBN: 9781471521195
Anul publicării: 2015
Pagini: 264
Categoria: Carte straina

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