English Kids Readers Level 5: Into I. T. – Laura Miller


English Kids Readers Level 5: Into I. T. - Laura Miller

The World Wide Web is a virtual world. We can’t feel it or touch it, but it connects millions of people around the world – sharing information and communicating.

Today, we can shop for just about anything, study, look at photos, watch films, send emails, play games or talk with friends online. We love being online, but it can be dangerous too!

Do you know who started some of the biggest websites on the Internet? What other ways there are to store information? How to be safe online? This book will tell you.

Pearson English Kids Readers bring the joy of reading to young learners of English. Children will love discovering the range stories and topics in this series – adventures, fairy tales, popular characters, the world around us.

With more than 70 titles across 6 language levels, there is a book to suit every young reader.

Autor: Laura Miller
ISBN: 9781408288429
Editura: Longman Pearson ELT
Anul publicării: 2014
Pagini: 32
Categoria: Carte Scolara

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