Bubble and Squeak: Bubble and Squeak – James Mayhew


Bubble and Squeak: Bubble and Squeak - James Mayhew

People travel from far and wide to watch Bubble, the amazingly graceful elephant, perform her daredevil act, The Pyramid of Peril. But Bubble, although surrounded by friends, is desperately lonely – until an equally lonely little mouse appears. This funny and compassionate story of two unlikely companions is filled with drama, suspense and a touch of tenderness, depicted with stylish illustrations.

Respected children’s book creators, James Mayhew and Clara Vulliamy, have produced this stylish story about the true spirit of friendship.

Autor: James Mayhew
ISBN: 9781408313671
Editura: Hachette Book Group
Anul publicării: 2014
Pagini: 32
Categoria: Carte straina

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